Telecommunications and Technology Leader

Cheetah is an integral tool in our ability to deploy IVR changes to our production environment regularly. Prior to Cheetah we were constrained to monthly deployments as there was limited automation testing and it was reliant upon limited telephony infrastructure due to the costs incurred. The ability of Cheetah to directly target application servers and run automation tests which then provide application logs in the one report was a game changer. We now have the confidence to deploy changes daily because we can trust the regression run results.

We are looking forward to adopting Cheetah’s capability with Virtual Agent testing so that we can start seeing similar traction with improving the user experience for customers more quickly when using that channel.

Senior Manager, Customer Care Team

  • 3,500 Test cases using the Cheetah Tool that run in 40 minutes that are run as an overnight regression or can be run as developers build and fix
  • Can begin progression testing during build phase where test cases passing as the % complete of build increases provides confidence that build is aligned to the design, saving weeks of re-work by the project team over the course of the year.
  • Evergreen capabilities so that the automation testing can be kept up to date with minimal effort from testers so that they can concentrate on valuable activity of analyzing results rather than on test creation
  • Test summary reports easily exported and dashboard visualization of results that can be viewed by project team.
  • Enablement of rapid change during build due to ease and time for running the test suite